441 East Broad Street Savannah, Georgia 31401 In the beautiful historical downtown district.

Church Ministries

Altar Servers

ALTAR SERVERS prepare the altar and assist the priest during the liturgy. This ministry is open to anyone in grades 5-12, who has received First Eucharist.

Contact: William Wright  –  Sacristan


USHERS collect the parish offerings and present them in the offertory procession. They also greet the community gathering for worship, offering assistance, making them feel at home, feel joy, sincerity, importance, peace and most of all, welcomed.

The ushers meet the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:00 PM in the parish hall.  

​​​​​​​Contact:  Marion Singleton or Michael Chaney


LECTORS proclaim the Word of God from the Old and New Testament at our parish liturgies. They also lead us in the Prayer of the Faithful. Lectors are people in our community who take seriously the Word of God and proclaim the Good News.

Contact:  Sharon Carson 

Eucharistic Ministry

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS assist the priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ at liturgies. Some Eucharistic ministers also bring Communion to the sick, hospitalized and shut-ins, providing a continuing link between all parishioners.

 Contact: Torrance Garvin or Gloria Stephens



  CHOIRS                                      COORDINATORS 

  Unity Mass (First Sunday) …………. Aretha Scott

  5:30PM Mass (Saturday) ………… Yvonne Williams

  9:00AM Mass (Sunday) …………. Alicia Carter

  11:30AM Mass (Sunday) ……….. Adrian Broxton

  MUSICIANS: Phyllis Mackey and Kathy Stewart

Religious Education

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION provides formal religious education classes for children in Kindergarten through Grade 11, throughout the school year. Some un-graded classes are held for children with special needs or through our BEGINNINGS PROGRAM for those who may be “coming back” after an absence. Taught by volunteer catechists, classes of 10-12 students form a community, share faith, assist in Sacramental preparation and witness to continuing Catholic Christian format as a life-long process. The Religious Education Program’s goal is to support parents in their most important role as the primary religious educators of their children and to support and form those who come forward for catechetical ministry. Feedback is welcomed and dialogue is encouraged with students, parents, catechists, those who have been away and those who feel they may be called to volunteer to teach.

Contact:  Sharon Carson – Director of Religious Education

Youth Liturgy

YOUTH LITURGY OF THE WORD is for children, 5 years of age and older. Each Sunday at the 11:30 a.m. Mass during the Liturgy of the Word, the children are invited to hear the Word of God proclaimed and then discussed at their own level, so that they may reflect upon how the Gospel of the day relates to their daily lives. A leader, who prepares in advance, and an assistant, who helps direct the children, facilitates each gathering. Children are invited to come forward as often as they can, and new members who are able to assist or lead once or twice a month are welcome.

Contact:  Sharson Carson or Teresa Garvin

Health Guild

HEALTH GUILD MINISTRY FOR CHRIST functions, and goals are to show the face of Christ to the medical profession, which is missing from the services of some personnel. We use the medical profession as a ministry in the parish, and the community as a subtle means of evangelization, which we show in the way we perform our duties. We have and will continue to present Workshops, seminars, as well as heaIth fairs to educate ourselves as well the church community regarding various diseases and eating habits, diets and exercise. We act as advisors, especially to the elderly as they seek help from various institutions. We encourage new members to join us in this rewarding ministry.

Contact:   Wilma Brown

Youth Ministry

YOUTH MINISTRY is that umbrella of leadership that takes charge in the activities of our young people, especially the social and cultural activities and certain liturgical functions.  The committee is charged with organizing and guiding the Youth Ministry which consist of Acolytes, Youth Choir, Squires and Liturgical Dancers.  We encourage ALL young adults of the parish between the ages of 18 and 35 to join us.  Youth ministry meetings are held once a month directly following the Children’s Liturgy.

Contact:  Taylor Walden